We all experience financial difficulty, sometimes that difficulty is too much to overcome on your own. Federal Law provides means by which you can get a fresh start. Bankruptcy can be very confusing, but Chris will stand by you through each step of the process and provide affordable payment plans so he can start today.
Some common bankruptcy questions
How can I afford Bankruptcy?
Our office provides affordable bankruptcy services two ways:
1) We provide flexible payment options which allow us to start the bankruptcy process with $0 up front.
2) Our bankruptcy service is provided on a flat rate basis, meaning you do not pay by the hour for services.
Why would I choose bankruptcy?
Many Americans suffer from high levels of stress because they cannot pay all of their debts and still afford basic necessities.
Fortunately, Bankruptcy is an opportunity for you to get a financial clean slate and start over. You will be able to have your debts erased so that you can focus on providing for your family.